自1985年以来,Trustech展会已经成功举办了38年。Trustech 2023展会将于11月28日至11月30日举行。作为智能支付终端和解决方案提供商,天波将在现场展示其最新技术,天波的展位设置在B013展位。
The Trustech exhibition has been running for 38 years since 1985. Trustech 2023 will be held from November 28th to November 30th. As a smart payment terminal and solution provider, Telpo will pitch its latest technologies on-site and Telpo’s booth is set at Booth B013.
关于Trustech 2023展会
Trustech 2023是一个聚集了卡、支付和身份识别领域的专业人士和利益相关者的综合平台。预计将有来自92个国家的200家参展商和6500多名与会者参加这一精彩的年度盛会。本次展会将启发那些想要了解新支付和识别领域最新发展和见解的与会者。
About Trustech 2023 Exhibition
The Trustech 2023 is a comprehensive platform that gathers professionals and stakeholders in the field of card, payment and identification. It’s expected that 200 exhibitors and 6,500+ participants from 92 countries will attend this excellent annual event. This exhibition will be enlightening to attendees who would like to catch up with the latest developments and insights of the new payment and identification sector.
天波在Trustech 2023展会上的主要亮点
天波成立于1999年,在提供迎合最新支付和识别趋势的智能终端和解决方案方面拥有24年的经验。此次在Trustech 2023展会上,天波将携最新推出的智能支付终端和POS设备,展示最先进的Android POS技术。
Telpo’s key highlights at the Trustech 2023 exhibition
Founded in 1999, Telpo has 24 years of experience in providing smart terminals and solutions catering to the latest payment and identification trends. This time at the Trustech 2023 exhibition, Telpo will bring its latest-launched smart payment terminals and POS devices to attendees, showing Telpo’s most advanced Android POS technology.
?Telpo EFT POS
在数字非接触式支付时代,移动POS终端对企业来说意义重大。天波将在其展位(B013)展示其经典的EFT POS TPS900。TPS900已获得涵盖EMV, PCI 6、PayWave、PayPass等认证,保证支付过程中的数据安全。通过支持磁条卡、智能卡、二维码、NFC、电子钱包等支付选项,TPS900是处理支付的可靠商业伙伴。凭借着多功能多功能,它已经流行了好长时间。
?Telpo EFT POS
In the era of digital contactless payments, a mobile POS terminal is of great significance for businesses. Telpo will display its classic EFT POS TPS900 at its Booth(B013). The TPS900 has obtained full certifications covering EMV, PCI 6.X, PayWave, PayPass, etc., which guarantees data security during the payment process. By supporting payment options of magnetic stripe cards, smart cards, QR codes, NFC, e-wallets, etc., the TPS900 is a reliable business partner for processing payments. It’s so multifunctional that it has been popular for years.
?支持软POS的天波 POS
天波M1: https://www.telpo.com.cn/mobile-pos/m1-mobile-pos.html
?Telpo SoftPOS-enabled POS
SoftPOS has been the hottest thing in the payment industry. Telpo has obtained a wide variety of NFC-compatible devices to cater to the growing SoftPOS payment trend. Compatible with NFC, the Telpo SoftPOS-enabled mobile POS can give business operators a flexible payment solution, which is especially suitable for pop-up stores and market stalls. In addition to the powerful NFC capacity, the Telpo mobile POS supports printing function, data connectivity, etc., which delivers a more convenient user experience.
Click for more details
Telpo M1 https://www.telpo.com.cn/mobile-pos/m1-mobile-pos.html
Telpo M8 https://www.telpo.com.cn/mobile-pos/smart-pos-terminal.html
?Telpo 10.1-inch desktop POS
The small-sized desktop POS is a perfect choice for small businesses. The Telpo C11 is a compact touchscreen POS equipped with a 10.1-inch display. With an NFC reader under the display, the Telpo C11 can satisfy more contactless payment options. With a 75mm*75mm VESA bracket, it has a more flexible installation.
凭借24年的定制和制造经验,天波成功与沃达丰、支付宝、银联等全球领先品牌合作。欢迎与大阳城娱乐app1593779联系了解更多详情。期待在11月的Trustech 2023展会上与您相见!大阳城娱乐app1593779将在天波摊位B013等你。
With 24 years of customization and manufacturing experience, Telpo has successfully cooperated with world-leading brands covering Vodafone, AliPay, UnionPay, etc. Welcome to contact us for more details. Looking forward to seeing you at the Trustech 2023 exhibition in November! We will be waiting for you at Telpo Booth B013.
标签:Trustech 2023展会,POS终端提供商,支付和ID活动,SoftPOS
Tag: Trustech 2023 exhibition, POS terminal provider, payment and ID event, SoftPOS
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